Workplace Conflict

What’s your workplace conflict? Today success is no longer measured by how long you stay with a position or company or how high you climbed the proverbial ladder. People are more flexible. More and more individuals are making career changes, sometimes many times. Each person wants to define success in his own way.

If you are in a dead end job or a career that doesn't satisfy you, why not contemplate a career change?

While some have given up on their dreams, or feel they're too old to change, some still want to make a go of it and change careers. They want to live their dream and get that dream job before it’s too late.

All of us want a job that we truly love to do, one that is fulfilling in the deepest way, allowing us to express our talents and capabilities. It’s a terrible way to live, wishing you were in another field, and trying to make a so-so job fit your heartfelt dreams.

Make Your Long-Awaited Career Change Now

How to Make a Career Change

Close your eyes. Visualize yourself making a career change. Now you are in the job of your dreams. It can happen, if you take the right steps and keep the faith.

Maybe you know what work you want to do. Maybe you don’t. If you know, it’s simply a matter of deciding how to go about it. If you don’t know, you have to find out what you’d really like to do first.

Let’s start with the case of the undecided career changer first. How do you find out what you’d love to do? First, what do your fantasies tell you? What have you always wished you could do? What work have you been drawn to? What position do you see yourself in? If you had it all to do over again, what career would you choose?

If the answers to those questions don’t help, ask your friends what they think you’d be good at, what would really suit you, what career change they feel might be in order. Listen to all the answers and weigh them. Does anything they say resonate with you? If so, look into it.

You may know what work you want to do in your heart, but you haven’t been able to admit it yet. If so, what would need to happen in your life for it to be okay or safe? How could you face it? What has kept you from dealing with it so far? Give it some thought. You may find that you are more prepared to gear up for a career change now than before. And it may be time to make a move. Follow your heart and end your workplace conflict.

You Know What You Want to Do But . . .

You know where your heart leads you, but for some reason it’s tough to follow. Again, you could begin by talking to two or three people who have successful careers in the career of your choice. Talk to those who have made a career change you'd like to make. Listen as they describe the valuable lessons they’ve learned. Ask them how a person can best break into the career path of your choice at your age. Do your homework. The more you know about it, the easier your work will be. Their energy will be contagious. You'll feel motivated to keep moving forward.

If you’ve been living someone else’s scripts for your life, that could be causing your workplace conflict and you may have to go back and face that demon first. You will want to write your own script now. Once you decide what’s stopping you, you can start building your new career. Sometimes people go through life without fulfilling their own wishes, as if they exist only to please someone else. They are afraid to face the possibility of a career change. They don't have permission. If that shoe fits you, you must realize that this is your life, and you have to please yourself when it comes to your life’s work.

If you know what you want to do, discuss it with your family and ask for their support. This is a very important step. Take your time and seek their input. Weigh it. Mull it over. Explain the career change you're considering to your friends. Brainstorm ways you can work out the details and overcome barriers. Lift good ideas wherever you hear them.

You must also believe you can pull it off. You have to have faith in yourself. You have to trust yourself to move in a new direction, and to accept an element of risk. By making a career change that really suits you, you are giving yourself and loved ones a wonderful gift. You are creating a better life. Don’t just focus on the downside.

,You are investing in yourself, perhaps even fulfilling your destiny. There is no better investment. Now all you have to do is plan your career change thoroughly. Then execute the plan and end your workplace conflict today.

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Read more . . . A Second Career

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