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Relationship Gold

How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage
Repair a Broken Relationship Before It's Gone Forever
Stop Feeling Lonely in a Crowd
Keep Your Lover's Respect and Adoration 
Love More and Argue Less 
Get Over Arguments and Fights FAST

From the desk of Richard Hamon, Licensed Therapist, Certified Coach and Relationship Expert . . .


If you learned you had a relationship gold mine hidden in your backyard, I bet you’d explore every inch of the ground to find the buried treasure.

You’d leave no stone unturned...

What I’m about to tell you may seem shocking, but it’s true. You probably do have a gold mine in your life, only it’s hidden from view. But, it’s still there, waiting to be discovered. Waiting for you to uncover its awesome power to change your life. 

Where exactly is your gold mine? And all your hidden gold deposits? 

The answer to that question lies in your past and present relationships. Do you have a relationship or two that may be riddled with problems? Or a lost or broken relationship that pangs your heart?

Or do you have a number of relationships that simply haven't reached their potential?  Have some of your relationships left you riddled with regret? Do you wonder if you can do relationships at all?  Do you have an important relationship that was once satisfying, but is now stuck in a rut?

If so, then you have unmined gold in your life . . . and maybe a lot of it. Nuggets of gold you may have mistaken for granules of dirt. Relationship gold! 

How can this be true?

Hidden inside each and every relationship, there are problems that can be turned into solutions, mistakes that can be converted into opportunities, and unrealized potential that can be tapped. Bad relationships can become good again - relationships that can find new life. Yes, relationships you may have tossed on the junk heap, that can be re-awakened to fill your life with the glitter of  real gold!

It's true, you can take every issue you've ever had and turn it into a nugget of gold. By becoming a better, more skilled relationship partner, you can realize your wildest dreams. And why not?

You have a choice. Become better . . . or bitter. 

Some couples may give up, after going through rough times. But, if you hang in there, you'll become tougher, wiser and more resilient. Plus, you'll be happier, given all the things you've learned, and you'll appreciate your love more than ever. 

No bran new, shiny and exciting relationship can rival the  genuine happiness that a mature relationship will give you. So, why not fight for your success? Why not keep working at it? 

Research shows that the vast majority of couples who had an affair, but got marital therapy and fought for their marriage, were glad they did, five years later. I know, as a professional marriage and family therapist, that the more mistakes you've made, the more likely you'll succeed at your relationship, in time. Why? Because the mistakes provide you with rich experiences and learning material. All you have to do is learn from each one, about what not to do, then learn to do the opposite.  

We know what successful couples do, and you can learn to emulate them. As long as you don't give up on your relationship, or yourself. 

Do you have a ho-hum marriage that you've given up on? Maybe you've settled, and you've come to expect much less than you wanted . . .  

And life is a bit boring now. 

Or you two can't talk. 

Maybe you lay awake at night, and can't sleep. 

Maybe you can't forgive them, or you're just so angry you can't get over it. 

Maybe your gut tells you something is wrong, but you don't know where or how to start. 

Could be you feel sad and lonely, but the relationship looks good on the surface. 

Whatever your situation, perhaps it's really starting to get old. 

Just think . . .

If you knew how to mend or improve an unfulfilled relationship, and to find the solutions already hidden in your hands, you could feel excited about your relationship again, and you could do just the right things to rebuild your marriage . . . you and your partner could enjoy the best years of your lives watching as your relationship grew and expanded to reach its full potential. Just think of all the hidden gold deposits you could finally mine! Just imagine how happy you'd feel. What would it feel like to actually watch all the sadness, loneliness and disappointment melting away from your life?

What would it feel like to go to bed one night and to awaken in the morning, only to find that your relationship had re-invented itself, and you and your beloved were finally living the life of your dreams, happy and giddy, like two kids in love for the first time, having solved your problems?  

I like seeing people feel that way, like a miracle has happened. 

That's why I wrote this eBook, Relationship Gold, so you could find a way to mine some of the precious, hidden gold, buried deep in the forgotten depths of your life, and you could really feel what it's like to win millions of dollars in the lottery.

My book is designed to help you to clear a path through the chaotic , relationship jungle, and find a way to rebuild a broken bond or restore a lost trust, so you can quickly and effortlessly lay your hands on some of that precious and glittery gold, bring it out of the ground and begin using it to make you happier than ever, in the here-and-now!

And why not? Please, don't you dare give up on your relationship until you've read this letter. 

Why not turn every relationship problem into  relationship gold . . . a lesson learned, a mistake overcome, and start enjoying the best relationships of your life?  Considering the scientific research in psychology shows that great relationships are more fulfilling than money or material goods, by fixing a few relationship problems you could be sitting pretty in no time. Living a happier, more fulfilling life.

Even our problem-saturated relationships can be turned around to give us:

  • greater joy and delight in the precious present
  • less sadness, guilt and shame in a nagging conscience
  • fewer worries about being left behind as your partner looks for a new love
  • greater peace of mind . . . Yes, peace of mind, that essential but ever elusive feeling of serenity and well being
  • better health and a longer life
  • a glow from within and a contagious Mona Lisa smile

Our relationships present us with golden opportunities for true and lasting happiness -- opportunities to live longer and be healthier, and they have gifts to give us, galore. Yes, every relationship problem in your life has a hidden gift waiting for you in its hands. Learn how to find that hidden gift or nugget of gold – and you will be well on your way to phenomenal happiness and inner riches beyond your wildest dreams.  

Relationship Gold works for family, work and platonic relationships of all kinds, too. Maybe you're a parent, desperate to find a way to bring your lost child back home, or an employee craving a healthier relationship with an angry boss, Relationship Gold can help. 

Not only are the secrets to discovering your hidden gold, and mining your relationship gold mine are revealed in my new e-book, Relationship Gold, but it will show you how to:

1. Tap into your precious gold deposits

2.  Learn from your mistakes

3. Develop new, effective relationship skills

4. Overcome all kinds of relationship problems

5. Convert your social losses and liabilities into pure gains

6. Build a powerful social network that helps you to win at life

7. Find creative and unusual ways for resolving old problems

8. Deal effectively with the petty tyrants in your life

9. Stop behaving like your own worst enemy

10. Become your own truest, most reliable and trustworthy best friend

11. Be comfortable in your own skin and win big with others by just being yourself

12. Reaching a deeper spiritual level by building the best relationships of your life

I wrote Relationship Gold for some of my marital and psychotherapy clients, who wanted a brief, practical guide to use whenever they needed extra help with communication, emotional control, forgiveness, or how to handle a heart-breaking affair, or the aftermath of an emotional affair. They needed ideas for how to approach certain problems that are a little tricky, suggestions as to which techniques to use and not to use when trying to break free from old patterns and behaviors that never seem to work, no matter how many times you try them.

And, they wanted a resource they could rely upon when they needed to get more out of their standby relationships, as rusty as old nails. So I put together a powerful guide, full of clinical secrets and scientific techniques to help them find new, more powerful ways of connecting with others, and practical tips on discovering new ways to overcome loneliness and decrease depression and fear.

What About A Hodgepodge Approach? 

As a professional relationship therapist and coach, I see people who have put together a hodgepodge approach to their relationships, a patchwork quilt collection of relationship myths, stubborn ideas and techniques that may or may not work at all.  

Relationship partners are not unlike amateur golfers who struggle with slices and hooks, grounders and mishits, and who end up bending a club around a tree in total exasperation . . . 

And sometimes quitting the game altogether!

But, why give up on your relationships and lose people you care about forever?

When you can turn those mistakes, problems and losses into pure, unadulterated gold, with a few choice adjustments or corrections?  

The know-how and wisdom required to turn a failing marriage around would be worth its weight in gold . . . right? After all, a happy marriage adds, on average, six or seven years to a person's life! And makes you feel like a special person who is loved and adored, and cared for, even in the worst of times. 

But figuring out exactly how to make a broken relationship, stuck in the quick sand of despair, work again . . . can be like finding a needle in a haystack. 

You'll find the expertise and answers packed in this succinct and clear little book . . . a book that consists of some of the finest clinical gems and unique techniques I've gathered over the nearly 40 years I've been in practice, some of which have never appeared in print.

That's right, I've condensed a few of the most powerful strategies I've ever come across, over the years, which you can now use to your advantage (without going through therapy). During my long tenure as a psychotherapist I have found some strategies more effective than others, and some to be completely unhelpful. So, the ones you'll find in the book are the best of the best, or those often creative or quirky but helpful techniques I've come to rely upon as a relationship therapist and coach.  

Innovative steps, anecdotes and cures that my couples and individual clients have used to find success are in Relationship Gold.

Solutions to the most common and tragic relationship mistakes are included, as well. Yes, the biggest relationship mistakes that anyone can make . . . along with the biggest predictors of failure . . . 

. . . Along with the solutions to those mistakes and clinical advice on how you can correct them quickly and effectively.

Please Don't Keep Suffering. . .

when it isn't necessary.

For just a few dollars, you can put an end to the misery of seemingly endless relationship heartaches and learn the skills you'll need to become a relationship Alchemist, a bona-fide miner of relationship gold. Stop those Unnecessary Relationship Losses in their tracks now.

You can read any part of Relationship Gold in just a few minutes, then go try the techniques to your situation. Or, simply use the book as a future guide and resource book. Read one chapter or case study at a time, or read it all in one reading, then refer to it as needed in the days to come.

Not Sure Where to Turn?

Just do something . . . something different . . . or you'll wind up with the same old results you've always had in your relationships.

And nothing will change.

Keep in mind . . . When it comes to stale , unhappy relationships, frustrated partners, who've lost their connection to each other, often wind up:

  • losing touch with each other
  • drifting apart
  • losing that old spark
  • having affairs
  • driving off those who love them 
  • and racing headlong into the long, dark corridors of divorce court

Or they push their family members and friends away, burning bridges that may never ever be rebuilt.

In writing Relationship Gold, my handy Relationship Manual, I have tapped into my extensive experience as psychotherapist and relationship coach to assemble the most valuable nuggets of wisdom on how to create happy relationships, and how to stop jumping through defective relationship hoops that lead to:   

  • unhappiness
  • addiction
  • depression
  • anger and pessimism
  • destructive boredom
  • and a chronic sense of futility
  • self-destructive cycles of guilt
  • and debilitating hopelessness  
  • repeated rounds of unsuccessful relationships

Relationship Gold will take your hand and show you to create an easy-to-use model for conducting your relationships, allowing you to overcome loneliness and gain authentic happiness, in the process. 

Inside Relationship Gold, you will read about the biggest relationship snafus and mistakes, so you can steer clear of shark-infested waters, and learn how to protect your relationship from harm, even sheltering it from unexpected setbacks.

And . . . Relationship Gold will enlighten you on how to stop causing further damage to a troubled, stuck or reeling relationship right now . . . even if your partner is not cooperative.  

Your new guide will instruct you on the gentle art of breathing new life into your relationships, old and new . . . and in turning your problematic relationships into fun-loving and fulfilling relationships of pure gold -- relationships built of more meaning, wonder and joy than you might have imagined.  

Magen’s Tragic Story

A young woman came into therapy with her teenage son because their relationship had finally hit rock bottom, and the son had tried to kill himself by ingesting a bottle of prescription pain killer pills. Because of a number of problems, Magen had neglected her relationship with her son for years, and had become a kind of absentee mother . . . and now she had virtually no connection to him. 

It was heart-breaking to listen to her story as she wept on my sofa, saying, “I can’t talk to my son.  We have no relationship.  He hates my guts.  How can I keep him alive?”

Relationships are never easy, and there are no miracle cures, but there are effective ways to enhance, improve and renew our most valuable relationships – relationships that can make us happy or fill us with despair. 

So, I began the careful process of restoring the lost connection and getting each to understand the other person’s Point of View, or unique perspective on things. And making a few adjustments and suggestions, here and there. Soon Magen was trying to be a better, more committed mother, and her son was opening his mind to the possibility of a relationship with his long-absent mother. 

Soon they were doing new things and getting results. But, if they hadn't gotten help, they might have fallen off the relationship cliff into the  turbulent, fast-moving waters so far below, they might not have ever saved their relationship, or recovered their lost love for each other. 

Don’t let falling off the cliff be the end of your relationship story.  Relationship Gold will guide you in the gentle, but proactive process of taking care of your relationships, of keeping them afloat.  

Yes . . . Take care of your relationships now and you won’t have to pay dearly later.

Couple embracing on beach in sunsetLife is Great When You're Tapping into Relationship Gold

Nothing gives us greater pleasure or meaning in life than happy relationships.

What are The Benefits?

Consider the facts:

  • a happy marriage can add seven years to your life (whereas an unhappy marriage can cause so much stress it can actually lower your life span)
  • good, strong relationships help to get us through life's unexpected storms 
  • skilled relationship partners get over problems fast and get back to having fun quickly
  • research-based relationship strategies prepare you for success in difficult social situations . . . a bad boss, a difficult neighbor, a stubborn in-law, an anti-social associate, a maddening professor, or a new friend who turns out not as you hoped and expected  

There are simple ways you can find the hidden beauty in your relationships, and learn how to use those relationships effectively, counting on your relationships in times of trouble, allowing you to succeed in business and your personal life. Not a bad deal, right? That’s why great relationships are our real GOLD. Nothing can replace them. 

No one ever succeeds in life by going it alone. It takes support from others. No one is an island. No one who is happy. Relationships help us to achieve far more than we could ever achieve on our own. 

Unfortunately, I can assure you, after working with hundreds and hundreds of clients, over decades, that few of us are given a relationship manual in life. And we don’t have a good grasp of the success principles needed to make a relationship last. 

Are Relationship Problems Your Destiny?

Isn't it sad how we grow up to make the same relationship mistakes our parents made? Too often we have to learn how to conduct relationships the hard way, by trial-and-error, or by making an endless round of mistakes, never fully understanding what we did wrong?

If you struggle with these questions, as I do, and my therapy and coaching clients do, then you can understand why I wrote Relationship Gold.  I wanted to help people learn how to build and sustain above average, if not exceptional, relationships . . . Relationships that will make you happy for many years to come, improve your immune system and allow you to live longer, all while enabling you to live a life of purpose and meaning, and to be truly joyful throughout your lifespan.

My philosophy . . . 

. . . in writing Relationship Gold was simply to avoid the confusing and trivial, busy-body information that proliferates in the marketplace . . . information that is often inaccurate, unproven or too complicated and technical in nature for the average person to use. I wanted to cut out the boring and unnecessary technical jargon and professional doublespeak used in many books.  My goal was to focus on the big picture, targeting the most powerful keys you can use to unlock the potential in you marriage or the secrets you can use to save and transform your old relationships, or to create new relationships that will give you pleasure and joy for years to come. 

Look at a few of the comments I've received from the readers of Relationship Gold . . . 

"I thought Relationship Gold was an EXCELLENT book -- very concise with good examples. It's a quick read and contains lots of information. Thanks for giving me new ideas that I can use to stop the bleeding in my marriage!" Susan I.

"I like the examples on how to think like someone else. Getting in my boyfriend's head has always been hard for me. People need to understand the other person's point of view. It takes time and patience, but it can make a big difference. Thank you for the reminder. " Patricia K.

"I enjoyed reading your newest book, Relationship Gold. I especially enjoyed the part about laughing with others, and if you can't get anyone to laugh with you, then laugh by yourself. Just laugh. Don't worry about what others might think.
I know as a nurse, laughter is such good medicine and such a potent healing force, we all need to laugh more. But, I forget to use the laughter technique in my marriage. Your friendly and eloquent reminder has helped tremendously."
Sharon B.

"Your Gold book on relationships hit me right between the eyes. I'm guilty at going about things in the world's worst way. I have no patience! And nothing but a sour attitude much of the time, I know. How my wife has put up with me all these years I'll never know. But thanks to your book I am trying to make changes. My wife is so impressed! And we're talking more and getting along better than we have in years. I just want to make sure I don't stop working at myself, now that things are improving. Somehow I don't think you're going to let that happen. I enjoyed your writing style, too. Very cool examples. " John D.

What's In My Relationship Gold e-Book? 

  • A section on how to develop a "relationship mindset" and gentle approach that will bring you delight for the rest of your life
  • How to emphasize healthy discussion and disagreement without fighting
  • Affair-proofing your marriage and assuring that you will always be loved 
  • Fixing a broken romance and instilling new flames of passion into your love life
  • How to get relief from the stubborn control freak in your life and take charge of a lousy job
  • Renewing neglected family relationships and restoring communication and trust 
  • Improving your most important relationship – the one you have (or don’t have) with yourself
  • Instructions on how to nip loneliness in the bud and how to avoid falling prey to chronic loneliness ever again

What if you’ve given up on a relationship?

In many cases, it may still be possible to rejuvenate old, neglected relationships, just like Magen went on to do, in the above example . . . and by brushing off your dusty relationship skills, you will discover how to keep a valued relationship from going bad in the first place. 

Magen went on to face the reasons for why her relationship with her son was in a shambles, and to confront the loving task of rebuilding it and . . . of making it better than it ever was. 

You can follow her path to success, too. That path is mapped out clearly in Relationship Gold.  

  • Even if you’re a shy and passive person . . . you can still learn how to win friends and build great , new relationships.  
  • Even if you’ve made lots of mistakes in the past . . . Relationship Gold can help you to learn from your mistakes. And go on to enjoy the greatest relationships of your life . . . if you let the book show you how to turn your relationship problems into opportunities for mining your very own relationship gold. 
  • Even if you are ADHD and can’t listen (for long) worth a darn . . . you can build new skills around communicating effectively with your partner. You can even let your ADHD become one of your greatest assets. Yes, others have done it, and so can you. 

In Chapter Ten, “Protect Your Relationship From the Ravages of Loneliness, Anxiety and Depression,” you’ll see how easy it is to improve long-standing problems like loneliness and depression by taking simple, but powerful steps that you may never have thought about taking.  

Strategies and skills make the difference when it comes to relationships. . . . those anyone can use to win at life.

I have dedicated my life to helping people enjoy richer, more meaningful relationships, and I’ve included some of my favorite, most therapeutic strategies in my little relationship eBook, Relationship Gold.  

You'll not read about many of my tips and unique strategies anywhere else because they represent unusual and innovative approaches I've developed in the Consulting Room over the years. Remember my mentioning the biggest relationship mistakes?

Well, speaking of mistakes . . .

A Common Mistake Will Keep You From Enjoying Love and Happiness 

If you like to criticize or find fault in your partner, you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. Relationship Gold will reveal in surprisingly graphic ways how you can get more of what you want in a marriage by learning to give up criticism. John Gottman, PhD, the world’s foremost marriage researcher, talks about CRITICISM as being one of the deadliest relationship sins. I could not agree more.

By criticizing your spouse you won’t solve your relationship problems. In fact, you’ll only make your problems worse.

Think it over . . . 

Criticism will fuel animosity and resentment, drive a wedge through the heart of your relationship, and set you up to be perfect. You’ll have to live up to an impossible standard. So don’t do it. 

My book will show you a better way to handle things.

Remember, if you are tempted to throw the dart of criticism, please do something else -- something that's going to help, not harm your partner or relationship. 

What can you do, instead of throwing darts of criticism, blame and contempt? It's all in the book. Anyone can feel like throwing darts, but better put the darts away, or, better yet, throw them in the nearest trash can! 

Research shows that . . . Throwing sharp darts is a dangerous practice, always backfires and poisons your relationship.

Instead, learn to express yourself in more constructive ways. Yes, if you use your head, and follow simple, but effective communication strategies, you won't have to throw darts. And, you will solve your relationship problems . . . in peaceable ways.  

Toward this aim, Relationship Gold will show you how you can increase your partner’s good will and cooperation by using the art of making gentle requests. 

I’ll reveal how you can use soft start up techniques to put your discussion on higher ground. 

And I’ll show you how to deflect criticism, if your partner flings it at you! 

In Chapter Three, "Stop Arguing and Start Communicating," I reveal effective ways to talk with your partner without being aggressive or pushy, and without being CRITICAL. You’ll learn how to resolve a problem by seeing your partner’s point of view completely and fully, and by letting your partner know you get it. This simple technique can work wonders for you, and smooth out a rocky relationship, filled with conflict. 

I believe healthy relationships are often the hidden ingredient in one’s quest for success, and my e-Book explains how you can mine your relationships to find greater happiness and satisfaction in your day-to-day life.

All too often, I see people throwing away their precious relationships and giving up on them before they have really tried to save them. If you have a relationship you want to save, read Relationship Gold first, try some of the strategies and see if they help. It'll be far better than the alternative of ending up in divorce court or losing your relationship to bitterness and negativity, and watching your partner walk out the door.   

If you don't so something different . . . how would you like to suffer through a series of difficult relationship because you haven’t learned anything different .... and you keep using, to no avail, all the same old techniques that don’t really work? 

10, 20 or 30 years of more fighting and problems? More angry outbursts? More of the same old same old frustrating silences and avoidant techniques? More sleepless nights wondering why your partner won't come home on time. More wasted energy trying to get someone back? More affairs -- emotional and physical? 

And . . . If you don’t give it your all, you’ll always carry a secret regret. You'll always wish you'd tried your hardest.

What do people say who have read Relationship Gold? 


Read what some of my readers, therapy clients and coaching clients have said about Relationship Gold

"Hi Richard, just wanted you to know how much we enjoyed your Relationship Gold book. Many of the chapters speak to our personal situation. And the suggestions on how to use the book and apply it were very good."

Bill W.

"Hey, Richard. Got your Relationship Gold book and found it very enlightening. Love the easy to use Action Steps. But, how do you get someone else to read your book? I know some people who should read it and would benefit, but they think they know everything! I'll recommend it anyway. Keep up the good work!"

Steve D.

"Your book is delightful. I like how informative it is, without being long and complicated. I must confess, I had my doubts at first, but it's a fun read. I really like how you kept it short and sweet. No one wants to get bogged down with a heavy book they'll never read. It's difficult enough to make the changes we need to make in our relationships. Thank God you didn't make it a cumbersome read or a helluva long, drawn out activity. I will refer to Relationship Gold for many years to come."

Brandt H.

"Richard, I think you had me in mind when you wrote your new book. Maybe that's what everyone will think, I don't know. But you nailed it, man. I am guilty at neglecting my relationships, and I needed the pep talk you provided. Maybe I'm old enough now to realize the truth in many of the concepts in the book. Thank you so much.

All my best,"

Sara S.

"Great job! The length of your new book is perfect. I hate to read stuff. But your writing is so interesting and humorous I can actually get through a chapter a day. Thank you."

Stephen J.

"I just want to drop you a note to let you know how much I appreciate what you've done with Relationship Gold. Good stuff and great suggestions. You made so many things clear without beating up on the reader."

Becky S.

"Another masterful job, Rich. I'll be reading this one for a while. Not that it's so long, it's just right on. The good part and the bad part is it makes you think!"

Robert M.

How much will Relationship Gold set you back? 

Consider that a single therapy session can cost you upwards of $100 to $150, and six months of marital counseling can set you back thousands, you can pick up a copy for way less than the cost of a single session. 


when you buy Relationship Gold, you'll get these four great BONUSES:

Bonus #1:

The Five Biggest Relationship Mistakes -- revised. My special report on the biggest predictors of relationship failure and disillusionment. And, the strategies you can use to avoid those mistakes. What works and what doesn't work in the world of relationships.  

Bonus #2:

The Truth About Marriage and No Bull! A synopsis of the research on marital bliss. Will marriage really make you happy? Or can it make you ill, and take years off your life? I debunk the common myths of marriage that abound in our culture and set the record straight on the truth about marriage. 

Bonus #3:

Relationship Satisfaction Quiz. How to tell if your relationship is really working for you in a significant way, or is it setting you up for the disappointment of your life? Take the quiz and see how your relationship stacks up. 

Bonus #4:

Relationship Makeovers -- a collection of strategies you can use to rebuild relationships in need of attention and repair. Effective techniques you can rely upon to give you the results you've been looking for. There is no magic wand you can wave to fix all your relationship ills, but there are ways to properly address the problems and to systematically improve every single relationship you have in your life, and to bring them all up to speed. 

Any one of these four bonuses is worth its weight in gold because it can help you in assessing and overcoming your relationship problems, once and for all. What is the value of all four? I have no idea. But, I can tell you that together they make a powerful combination of relationship strategies and tools that you can use to change your life.  The bonuses alone are worth more than the price of the book. 

More Benefits

Just think what you could have if you learned to manage all your key relationships more effectively. You could change your life forever. Instead of trying to figure out the impossible on your own, or accepting hit-or-miss advice from well-meaning friends, you will be able to apply proven techniques that produce results. 

On the contrary, how would you like to suffer through a series of difficult relationships for the next few decades because you haven’t learned anything different .... and you keep using, to no avail, all the same old techniques that don’t really work? 

  • Get control of any unhappy relationships and put them to work for you now
  • Form rock-solid relationships with your customers or business associates and keep them for life 
  • Overcome infidelity, rebuild trust and heal your affair-torn marriage
  • Relieve depression and anxiety by infusing optimism in your thought process 
  • Tweak your good relationship and make it a cutting-edge relationship that brings you tremendous delight and joy 
  • Say good-bye to wasting your valuable time working at your relationship only to see no significant results

Even those who have good relationships can make them better. After all, good relationships often go bad due to neglect.  I see this happen all the time. 

In reality . . . the number one way a good relationship goes bad is through NEGLECT.  You think you’ve got a good relationship, and you do, but in time, you forget to keep assigning top priority status to it, or you forget to solve certain problems that get worse and worse and . . . before you know it, you or your spouse (or both) are feeling disconnected, discouraged, lonely and overwhelmed. 

I’ve seen it happen a hundred times or more . . . 

The couple comes in for therapy, confessing they once had the perfect relationship, then they got distracted and let it slip through their hands . . . and now they have major problems, like hidden animosity, anger and resentment, because they let their high-quality relationship whither away. 

The same thing happens with parents and children, best friends, neighbors and colleagues. Any kind of relationship is susceptible to the "out-of-sight-out-of-mind" phenomenon, or the tendency to neglect an important relationship, or the human habit of forgetting to take care of a good relationship. Sure, we get busy or preoccupied, and the next thing you know, the person we love has drifted so far out to sea  we can't find a way to bring them back home.

Ignore a good dog, and your good dog will turn into a bad dog.

And it's surprising how fast it can happen. 

In Relationship Gold, my straight-forward, no-nonsense relationship guide, distilled from nearly four decades of experience as a professional relationship therapist, I’ll show you how to prevent relationship decay, and build and maintain truly great relationships, which are life’s greatest treasure.   . . how to keep them tuned up, and how to tend your relationship garden with a minimum of effort. 

Peace, Love and Happiness

When you and your partner can work together to make your relationship better, you'll  improve the quality of every relationship in your lives. When you can erase animosity, promote mutual understanding and instill newfound hope, you'll prevent all kinds of future problems. Acquiring relationship skills will set you apart from the madding crowd, and give you the tools you need to enjoy the world's most enjoyable relationships.

It's the skilled relationship partners who inherit the earth. Theirs are the coveted prizes of peace, love and happiness.

Someone has to be deliriously happy. Why not you?

Relationship Gold will show you how good relationships can change your life for the better . . .  starting right now.


Relationship Gold comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Read it cover to cover, and if the strategies don’t work for you, let us know within 30 days, and we’ll gladly refund your money.


To launch my new eBook, Relationship Gold, I am making it available at the introductory price of: 

$24.95 . . . 

Many other top-selling eBooks for sale in the CLICKBANK Marketplace sell for more. Some popular eBooks sell for much more, like one of my favorites about preventing your divorce, which sells for $79. 

After the introductory period, the price of Relationship Gold will go to $47. And that's where it will stay. 

There you have it. For less than twenty-five bucks, you can have the relationship secrets and tips that you might receive in ten or twelve psychotherapy sessions, if you were lucky enough to have an experienced, master therapist serving as your guide. That would set you back over a $1,000. 

Put your hands on a book I wrote especially for my relationship clients, and condensed it all into a brief but powerful tutorial, having separated the wheat from the chaff. 

Access the hidden gold buried deep in the crusty layers of your relationship problems and issues right away. I guarantee it will help you, or your money back. Get the clinical  secrets, techniques and strategies I've used for my psychotherapy and coaching clients, which I've perfected and honed over  the years. They're proven and helpful, and User Friendly. Use them to resurrect your faltering relationship today, and breathe new life into the precious present and your problem-solved future. 


Those who have had a Near Death Experience come back to life and embrace their relationships in a powerful, loving way. 

Near Death Experiencers try their hardest to get their relationships right, and to do right by all the people in their lives. They strive to give Unconditional Love -- the same kind of love they found on the other side.

Years ago, I had a Near Death Experience that changed my life. One of the most powerful insights from my incredible experience involved relationships. My NDE helped to realize the awe-inspiring importance of our relationships, and gave me the ability to see the value of mine, and to strive to improve mine.  

In fact, after my recovery, I felt a strong urge to make building relationships my life's mission. So, I dedicated myself to helping others build great relationships and to enjoy the benefits of life more.  Relationships that inspire, heal and lead others. 

Relationships that give you the confidence of always being loved.

Relationships that span the troubled waters of life, like an indestructible bridge -- yes, a veritable bridge over troubled waters -- and lift you above life's problems. Relationships that  carve out your destiny and deepen your success.

Thus, I invite you to join me in building a better, more fulfilled life, one happy relationship at a time. 


You can use Relationship Gold as an everyday guide to conducting winning and rewarding relationships, and to mining the hidden gold in your life. Get it now and you can download it on your computer, for safe keeping, and you can read the first chapter in the next few minutes, and get started building your new life. 


Richard E. Hamon

Licensed Therapist and Certified Coach

P. S. Remember, you can grab Relationship Gold at the price of . . . $24.95. But act quickly and order before this offer is gone. I endeavor to keep the price of all my e-books affordable so people everywhere can benefit from them, and Relationship Gold is no exception. But, the regular price of Relationship Gold will be $47, after the Special Introductory Offer expires. Also, you'll get my four bonuses, all of which will assist you in learning new relationship principles and skills. Together, they'll give you a  fast start on the happiest relationships of your life. 

The Hamon Group, LLC
2716 OId Rosebud Road, Suite 230
Lexington, KY 40509